
发表于 2015-10-8 23:56:00 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 打印 上一主题 下一主题 0 10132


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MakerBot公司CEO Jonathan Jaglom又一次举起了屠刀:再次裁员20%而就在半年前,这家知名桌面3D打印机制造商的一次突然裁员震动了整个行业。当时该公司裁去了20%的员工,并关闭了所有三个零售网点。后来我们知道了根子在于其第五代产品中的智能3D打印头出现了严重问题,导致销售受到影响。而其前两任CEO的离职或许也与此有关。
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MakerBot公司CEO Jonathan Jaglom

而如今,确切地说是2015年10月8日,Jaglom在公司博客上发表了一篇名为《重构MakerBot以适应市场动态,重新聚焦并为未来做好准备(MakerBot Restructures to Adapt to Market Dynamics, Refocus and Prepare for the Future)》的文章。在这篇文章中,他公布了一系列重要举措,包括:

  • 重组团队,在全球范围内裁员20%;
  • 重组领导团队,更加关注公司员工和MakerBot 3D生态系统;
  • 将研发团队从布鲁克林的Industry City迁至位于布鲁克林市中心MetroTech的公司总部,以使公司团队能够更加紧密的合作,便于沟通。而其工厂将留在布鲁克林Industry City;
  • 围绕MakerBot生态系统制订清晰的产品开发计划;
  • 将MakerBot第四代产品的生产制造委托给合同制造商以节省成本,而其在布鲁克林的工厂将专注于生产当前一代(即第五代)产品;
  • 任命Kavita Vora为Chief of People(大概意思为首席员工),负责公司文化建设和专注于公司员工(这是要稳定员工情绪了)。
  • 任命Nadav Goshen为公司总裁。

MakerBot Restructures to Adapt to Market Dynamics, Refocus and Prepare for the Future

Posted by Jonathan Jaglom
Over the past six months, since I joined MakerBot as CEO, I’ve been incredibly impressed by the passion and talent within our company and community.
We have achieved a lot as a team, but we have also been impacted by the broader challenges in our industry. For the last few quarters, we did not meet our ambitious goals and we have to make significant changes to ensure MakerBot’s future growth and success. In order to lead our dynamic industry, we need to get back to our entrepreneurial spirit and address our fractured organizational structure.
Having had time to get deeply rooted in our business, understand our challenges, and learn the strengths of our managers, we have been working on a plan to move us toward a stronger future.
We have spent a lot of time evaluating the market and understanding our customers so we can make plans on how to move forward strategically. These decisions were not taken lightly. Today we will part with some of our exceptionally talented and hard working colleagues, and I’d like to thank them for their commitment and contributions.
Starting today, we are making significant changes including:

  • Reorganizing our teams and reducing our staff by 20% globally
  • Changing our leadership team to focus on our people and the MakerBot 3D Ecosystem
  • Moving our R&D teams from Industry City in Brooklyn to our corporate headquarters at MetroTech in Downtown Brooklyn. This will bring our teams closer together, ensuring more collaboration and easier communication. The MakerBot Factory will remain in Industry City in Brooklyn
  • Setting a defined product development plan that is centered around building connected products within our ecosystem
  • Working with a contract manufacturer to produce 4th generation products to save on costs and focus our teams at our factory in Brooklyn on our current generation of MakerBot 3D printers

I brought on Kavita Vora as our Chief of People to create a company and culture that is focused on our people. Nothing is more important to me. I have also bolstered our company by adding Nadav Goshen as our President. Nadav and his teams are focused on building out our world-class ecosystem and supporting our community better than we ever have. He will ensure that strategy around our product offering, ecosystem and brand are in full alignment.
For us to succeed, our employees, customers and community will be our #1 priority. I remain highly optimistic about MakerBot and I am excited about our future
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