
标题: 【讨论】UG的一个命令——Shape by Template [打印本页]

作者: laopu_sd    时间: 2004-1-6 14:17
标题: 【讨论】UG的一个命令——Shape by Template
作者: laopu_sd    时间: 2004-1-6 14:18
该方法可以与两条或者更多的样条匹配,命令位于free form shape工具条的最后一个。Shape by Template特征自动增加模板和成形样条的阶次,至少是单段五次样条。样条的极点数和段数会立即匹配,目标样条可以用滑动杆逐渐调整其曲率梳轮廓形状,直至和模板样条形状一致。
作者: laopu_sd    时间: 2004-1-6 14:18
Shape by Template Overview
该方法可以与两条或者更多的样条匹配,命令位于free form shape工具条的最后一个。Shape by Template特征自动增加模板和成形样条的阶次,至少是单段五次样条。样条的极点数和段数会立即匹配,目标样条可以用滑动杆逐渐调整其曲率梳轮廓形状,直至和模板样条形状一致。
  This function lets you transform one or more splines from their current shape to match the shape characteristics of a template spline, while preserving their start and end points. A slider lets you further dynamically shape the curve. You can choose whether the resultant spline must match the degree and segmentation of the template, or the spline's existing math properties are used to change the degree and/or segmentation. You also have the option to change the shape of either the selected spline or a copy of the selected spline.
For simple instructions to shape a spline by template see the Basic Shape by Template Procedure.
[$#8226]   This option is available only with the Shape Studio application license.
Shape by Template Dialog Options
Selection Steps   Spline to Shape - Lets you select from the graphics window one or more splines that you wish to change. As you select the splines to shape, temporary arrows display for each one on the end point nearest to where you made the selection. The arrows indicate the start direction for the shape operation. You can change the direction of an individual spline to shape by first deselecting it with Shift + MB2, and then reselecting it on the end you want as the start point.
You can select multiple splines for the spline to shape. They will all receive the same characteristics of the template spline.
  Template Spline - Lets you select from the graphics window a spline to act as the template on which to base the changes for the spline to shape. Spline characteristics that are affected by the template include (but are not limited to) degree, segmentation, peaks, inflection and acceleration.
When you select the template spline, an arrow displays on the end nearest to where you made the selection, and the word "Template" appears next to it in the graphics window. You can change the direction of the start point by first deselecting the template spline with Shift + MB2, and then reselecting it on the end you want as the start point.
Upon selecting the template spline, the characteristics of the spline to shape are immediately fit to match those of the template. If Refit Curve is on, this includes the degree and segmentation. Otherwise, the degree and segmentation will differ.
You can select only one spline to act as a template.
  You can optionally use MB2 to automatically advance between the selection steps.
Slider  Lets you dynamically change the spline to shape. Dragging the slider transitions the spline to shape across the myriad of possible curves that can exist while matching the template spline's shape characteristics and retaining the spline to shape's original start and end points.
As you drag the slider the original curve of the spline to shape is displayed in phantom font (usually a subdued gray).
The slider is available only after both a spline to shape and a template spline have been specified.
Refit Curve  When turned on, this option forces the spline to shape to match the degree and segmentation of the template spline. The original curve of the spline to shape is displayed in phantom font (usually a subdued gray), while the altered shape displays in the system color.
When this option is turned off, the spline to shape is used to match the shape characteristics of the template spline. The spline to shape keeps its original degree and segments unless:
1.  The template has a higher degree, in which case the spline to shape has its degree increased to the degree of the template spline.
2.  The template spline has knots that are not in the spline to shape. In this case, the template spline knots are inserted into the spline to shape, thus creating additional segments.
So, if Refit Curve is off, the spline to shape keeps its original shape characteristics, plus any change in degree and segments required by the template spline. This can result in the new spline possibly having a higher degree and / or a higher number of segments than the original spline.
Turning the Refit Curve toggle on and off dynamically switches between the two modes.
Edit a Copy  Turning the Edit a Copy toggle switch on leaves the source spline to shape unchanged, and creates a new spline, based on the results of the Shape by Template operation.
Deviation Analysis  Opens the Deviation Gauge dialog, letting you dynamically generate graphics and numeric deviation data. This can be useful as you edit the spline to shape.
The Deviation Gauge dialog works a little differently when accessed from Shape by Template. When accessed directly, the Deviation Gauge automatically creates a deviation gauge object superimposed onto the selected objects. The deviation gauge object remains on the display and is saved with the part file. When Deviation Gauge is accessed from the Shape by Template dialog, the deviation gauge object is temporarily created between the animated spline to shape and its original shape. The deviation gauge object is automatically deleted when you complete the shape by template operation using OK or Apply. The deviation gauge is also deleted if you Cancel out of the Shape by Template dialog.
Upon choosing the Deviation Analysis button, the Deviation Gauge dialog displays to let you make adjustments to its options, but object selection is disabled. If you are editing multiple curves simultaneously, the Deviation Gauge dialog settings are applied to all selected splines to shape.
Basic Shape by Template Procedure
To shape a spline using a template follow these steps:
1.  Use the Spline to Shape selection step to select a spline you wish to change. An arrow displays on the spline indicating the start point of the shaping operation. To change the start point to the other end of the spline, deselect and then reselect it from the other end.
2.  Use the Template Spline selection step to select a spline whose characteristics you wish to use to shape the spline to shape. An arrow displays on the spline indicating the start point. To change the start point to the other end of the spline, deselect and then reselect it from the other end.
The moment you specify the template spline, the spline to shape adopts its characteristics. At this point you have a number of options:
o  You can choose OK to make the change to the spline to shape permanent, and exit the dialog.
o  You can choose Apply to make the change to the spline to shape permanent. In this event, the template spline remains selected, allowing you to select other splines to shape using the current template.
o  Before choosing Apply you can also choose one or more of the other options on the dialog to further edit the spline to shape. See the next steps for brief descriptions of each of these.
3.  [Optional] Drag the slider to dynamically apply further changes to the shape of the spline while retaining both its start and end points and the characteristics of the template spline.
4.  [Optional] Turn on Refit Curve if you want the spline to shape to use the degree and segmentation of the template spline.
5.  [Optional] Turn on Edit a Copy if you want the system to create a copy of the specified spline to shape, while leaving the original unchanged.
6.  [Optional] Choose the Deviation Analysis option to check deviation as you edit the spline to shape.
7.  If you have not already done so, click the OK or Apply button to finalize the changes made to the spline to shape.
作者: laopu_sd    时间: 2004-1-6 14:20
作者: gulite0898    时间: 2004-1-7 20:32
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作者: alloy    时间: 2004-1-10 15:22
作者: laopu_sd    时间: 2004-1-14 12:45
billdb wrote:

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